To Catch a Fairy

I painted birds today.  This is unusual for me because I find them to have a generally cold, untrustworthy air about them.  Should I ever find myself on a quest, for instance, and it was stipulated that I could employ the aid of one animal, I would not choose a bird.  It's just, I'm going to be spending a good amount of time with this animal, and I'd like to be good, bonded friends by the end and I just can't see that happening with a bird.  They do seem to be the companion of choice for pirates, though, and pirates are the authority on adventure, so maybe I've horribly misjudged them.

I had a dream the other night that pixies left a secret message for me in a different pixie language written in pencil on my wall.  I remember being so excited, and hoping so hard that it wasn't a dream and that there was really magic spreading into my life from all the fairytales I've been reading.  But then I woke up, and the words weren't there.  Maybe I have to make the first move.  I wouldn't want them to think I'm trying to catch them though- from what I've read, they seem to have tempers on them.  I'd just like to throw up some sort of flag signaling that, should they be in the market for a silly human, I am very open to befriending their kind.
Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream, as depicted by Arthur Rackham


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